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The 10 most trending technologies in 2021

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is basically creating intelligence software, making a machine that is smart, a machine that has the to power to think, analyse and make decisions based on the huge amount of Data that we have.

Hence, the phrase goes "Data is the new oil of 21st century". And surely the race among big IT giants to dominate the field of AI has begun.

2. Blockchain

BLOCKCHAIN is basically the technology that runs BITCOIN. And BITCOIN is world's first digital Cryptocurrency and that is the future of the economy "Crypto Currency".

So, even if BLOCKCHAIN doesn't exist after a couple of years, we will have some Cryptocurrency that is based on BLOCKCHAIN.

3. AR - Augmented Reality & VR - Virtual Reality 

VIRTUAL REALITY is when you use ARTIFICIAL Environment, that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspense belief and accepts it as a real Environment
          Have you watched the movies MATRIX?
Well, that is what VR does.

VR is a computer Simulated environment that you can walk around and interact with.

Now augmented reality combines Virtual reality with the real world in the form of a live video imagery.

Both of these AR and VR have numerous real-life Applications.
For example, Medical students use AR Technology to practices Surgery in a controlled environment.

AR is extensively used in mobile gaming and Apps, which work on real life video feed, or game like POKEMON GO, we know that POKEMON GO, delivered 600 million Dollars in mobile AR revenue and its first three months alone.

Imagine the future prospect and if we have something in your mind, let us know, in the common sections. 

4. Big Data

Big-data has affected the IT landscape beyond imagination.

BIG-DATA refers to problems, that are associated with processing and storing different types of data.

Most of the companies today rely on BIG-DATA analytics to gain huge insight about their customer, product research, Marketing Initiatives and many more.

For your surprise, BIG-DATA led Germany to win the world cup as well.

Now, It can be used in various domains, it can be used in Retail, Insurance, Healthcare, Banking and Finance I have listed only four of those domains. 

5. Cloud Computing

CLOUD COMPUTING is one of the most trending technology.

This is because it allows companies to save a lot of money and simplifies the life of users.

Day-by-day, more and more companies are shifting their infrastructure in the cloud.

What are the reason for that?
- It is fast and scalable, it can be Accessed from anywhere there is o upfront cost, and provides better security.

Now there are a lot of cloud provider out there in the market.
For example, Amazon Wen services, Microsoft Azure, Salesforce, Google, there's even digital oceans.There are lot of competition out there in the market.But Amazon web services is a clear winner based in the market share.

6.  Angular & React

So, these are most popular Java Script based frameworks for creating Modern Web applications.

It is using REACT and ANGULAR, you can create highly Modular Web Applications. So, when we say modular, you don't need to  go through a lot of changes in your code-base for adding a new feature.

ANGULAR and REACT also allows you to create native mobile applications with the same Javascript.

 And best part of ANGULAR and REACT, it is open source with highly active communities.

7. DevOps 

DEVOPS is not a Technology; It is a Methodology, that ensures, that both the development and operations go hand-in-hand.

DEVOPS life cycle is picturized as infinite loop representing Integration of developers and operation team by Automating Infrastructure, work flows, and continuously measuring Application Performance.

It is basically the process of continual Improvement. So, why not start with yourself? You can even see the companies that are using DEVOPS right now.

We have Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and the most of the companies out there in the market are using DEVOPS.

Its Provides you shorter, software development life-cycles.
The quality of software that produced is way better than the previous Waterfall model.
It also gives you, improved work environment.

There are many DEVOPS tools available in the market. The most popular tools are:- JENKINS, PUPPET, CHEF, DOCKER, ELK and there are many other tools as well.

8. Internet of Things (IoT)

As the name suggests IoT is about connecting different objects in your environment via Intelligent sensors enabling them to send and receive data.

This include everything from your mobile phones, Refrigerators, Washing machine to almost everything that you can think of.

With the IoT we can have smart cities with optimized traffic system, efficient waste Management and energy use.

So, start thinking of some new excuse for coming late to office other than traffic guys.

IoT is basically a giant network of connected devices all of which gather and share data about How they are used, and the Environment in which they are operating and by doing so, each of your device will be learning from the experience of other devices, as humans do.

IoT is trying to expand the Interdependence in human, that is, Interact, contribute and collaborate to things, this is all about IoT.

9. Intelligent Apps

Now, we are going to talk about INTELLIGENT APPs, popularly known as I-Apps. I-Apps are pieces of software written for mobile devices based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology, for making the every task easier.

This involves tasks like Organizing, prioritizing Emails, Scheduling Meetings, Logging Interactions and content etc.

Some Example would be Chat Bots and Virtual Assistance that you can see in this image as well. 

10. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Generally any test job in any industry involves tasks, that are repetitive in nature and can Automated.

RPA or Robotic process Automation allows you to automate such routine and repetitive tasks, and 
RPA can boost the overall productivity of companies, by saving their time and money and it has lot of cool features guys.

For example, No coding skills is required, RPA comes with simple drag and drop tool, and you can automate any repetitive task without changing the underline technologies.

RPA technology can be implemented using various tools.

The top three tools include; UIPATH, BLUEPRISM and AUTOMATION Anywhere, that you can see it in this image as well.

Blockchain Council

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